
Based on this post, I decided to create a special page to record the books that I love.  These are books that in some form or another have had an effect on me.  Some of the books were those that I read as a child.  Some later in life.  Regardless, whenever I happened to have read them, they provided me with something that I clearly needed at the time.  I still return to these books when I’m looking to curl up with an old friend.  They transport me, challenge me, inspire me.

I present the books in no particular order.

  1. Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak.  My first love.  Seriously.  I’ve previously discussed this book in detail on Dr. Beth’s blog.  Check it out and you’ll know why I think this book is so incredible, and what it really means to me.  As a follow-up to reading that, let me add that I was not disappointed by the movie.  I loved, loved, loved the movie, and I was instantly 7 years old again.
  2. The Calvin and Hobbes series, by Bill Watterson.  In my humble opinion, the best comic ever written in the history of ever. SERIOUSLY.  Watterson captures the experience of being a small child in such perfect detail, I sometimes think he must still be a small child.  At times hilarious, others frustrating.  His comic was full of nerdery, adventure, imagination, and heart.  Few comics even come close to this level of awesome.
  3. The Far Side series, by Gary Larson.  Another of my all time favourite comics.  Larson captures scientific nerdery in a way that no other comic has ever been able to do.  His comics are absurd, and full of 100% awesome.
  4. I Know This Much Is True, by Wally Lamb.  This book is incredibly beautiful.  I was absolutely devastated when the book ended.  Not because it has a devastating ending, but because it had to end.
  5. She’s Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.  Heartbreaking.  Uplifting.  Everything.
  6. Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad.  I’ve read this book several times and every time I get something new out of it.  Dark, beautiful, challenging.
  7. The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  Some people find this book rather dry, but I absolutely loved it, and still love it on every read.
  8. Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  A short story, but once read was immediately added to my list of favourites.
  9. A Widow For One Year, by John Irving.
  10. A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey.  I didn’t care about the controversy surrounding this book.  It was breathless and frantic, difficult to read at times, and completely in my face.  I loved it.
  11. The Highwayman, by Alfred Noyes.  An epic poem, beautifully interpreted by Loreena McKennitt.
  12. Oh the Places You’ll Go, by Dr. Seuss.  This book just makes me happy, and optimistic.  I love to read this whenever I feel not-so-awesome.
  13. Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney.  This book is sweet, and beautiful, and a great gift for anyone with kids.  Little Nutbrown Hare is so freaking cute.
  14. Love You Forever, by Robert Munsch.  Another great gift for anyone with children.
  15. The Lord Of the Rings Trilogy (and The Hobbit), J.R.R. Tolkien.  Dragons, ogres, elves; what’s not to love?
  16. The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling.  Magic, wizards, witches, adventure.  Awesome does not begin to describe this series.

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