Mmmmm, Pi

Today is March 14th, the day nerds and pie-lovers around the world celebrate Pi Day. As I am both a nerd and a lover of pie, today represents probably the most significant day of my year. To celebrate, I’ve just whipped up a blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry pie that’s currently baking in the oven. And…

The Recipes Of 2021

While much of 2020’s culinary adventures could best be described as rage baking, I think 2021 was far more emotionally balanced. Yes, there were several times when working in the kitchen was all I could do to manage my emotional response to <waves hands wildly about> everything, but more often than naught I happily spent…

Happy Physically Distanced Thanksgiving

As the number of cases of COVID-19 have continued to rise in Ontario, my family made the call to cancel our usual Thanksgiving gathering. And while it sucks that I won’t get a healthy dose of turkey and pie from the kitchen of Ma & Pa Gillis, I know that keeping our distance is the…

Pi In The Sky

When the alarm went off this morning, my first thought was Noooooooooooo! And given that the last few days have been packed, and that I woke up about eleventy-billion times worried that I’d overslept and missed my ride to the airport, I begrudgingly found a way to harness the energy needed to lift my carcass…

Black And White

For those of you who follow me on the Instagrams or on Facebook, you’ll know that for the last week I’ve been posting a black and white photo on the daily. For those of you who don’t follow me, you may have seen some of your friends taking part in a similar challenge on any…

Me, But Slower

It was a short week, but I somehow managed to survive it. Classes started this week and to be honest I wasn’t sure if I was prepared. And not in the sense that I wasn’t prepared with notes, or with a list of projects, or with a full docket of activities and guest lectures for…

Northern Lights IV

Having spent the weekend at Sandi and Karl’s cabin on English River, we’d returned to Rigolet a wee exhausted, but also quite rejuvenated. There’s nothing quite like a sense of relative isolation to clear the head.

A Pi-Day Weekend

Happy belated Pi-Day all y’all. For those unaware, Pi-Day (March 14th) is the mathiest of math days; unless you also observe Tau-Day (June 28th) – which I do. Since tau is equal to 2 pi, Tau-Day must be equal to 2 Pi-Days, and 2 Pi-Days is better than 1 Pi-Day, so by definition Tau-Day would…

Salted Chocolate Pecan Pie – Or How To Become Pie-abetic

After a weekend filled with adventuring, hanging with the wee fuzzball, and getting to spend some quality time with friends, I figured I should somehow mark the occasion. But, how does one mark such a monumentally awesome weekend? I asked myself. The answer was pretty much instantaneous. Pie1. And just like that I spent the afternoon making…

One More Piece Couldn’t Hurt

I won’t lie, I just had another piece of pie. My stomach was already painfully full, but I thought it’s Thanksgiving, eat the pie. Ugh, why do I listen to myself sometimes? Oh, right. Because PIE IS AWESOME. That is so a rule, you should write it down twice. Of course, I’m sure you don’t need…

The Tastiest Challenge

Happy Thanksgiving all y’all. Normally at this time of year I’d be gorging on all things turkey and stuffing, but given that I really didn’t feel the need to cook an entire bird for myself I have opted to instead settle down with the wee fuzzball and enjoy some tasty root veggie stew (with lamb…

And So The Delirium Begins

I’m beginning tonight’s post with the assumption that it will be a short one. Of course, I reserve the right to ramble on aimlessly about nothing and everything for the sole purpose of procrastinating. You see, dear readers, I have a mountain of stuff to finish for tomorrow but delirium began setting in about an…

What A Difference 30 Days Can Make

It seems that we have found our way to the end of May already. Okay, okay, I realize that tomorrow is still a full-fledged member of the group of lucky days that identify themselves as May-days, but really May is all but over. Where does the time go? Over the past month I’ve been taking…