Pi In The Sky

When the alarm went off this morning, my first thought was Noooooooooooo! And given that the last few days have been packed, and that I woke up about eleventy-billion times worried that I’d overslept and missed my ride to the airport, I begrudgingly found a way to harness the energy needed to lift my carcass…

A Pi-Day Weekend

Happy belated Pi-Day all y’all. For those unaware, Pi-Day (March 14th) is the mathiest of math days; unless you also observe Tau-Day (June 28th) – which I do. Since tau is equal to 2 pi, Tau-Day must be equal to 2 Pi-Days, and 2 Pi-Days is better than 1 Pi-Day, so by definition Tau-Day would…

Happy Pi Approximation Day

  In honour of Pi Approximation Day, I thought I’d offer you this most awesomely awesome comic from Dinosaur Comics that approximately honours the approximately awesome awesomeness that is Pi Approximation Day. Of course, I realize that I’ve offered this comic before but I enjoy the last panel far too much not to share it again….

That’s #2394 To You

So apparently the Around the Bay 30km race is less than 3 weeks away. I realized this at some point this morning when I received notice that I had been assigned a bib number. EEP! A bib number means business – serious business. And today I learned that serious business went by the bib number…

The Mile π Club

As my regular readers are likely already aware1, today – March 14th – is Pi-Day. If you are someone who has never heard of Pi-Day, know that it is only the most mathemagical days of the year. That is, today is the day when nerds and geeks from around the world unite to celebrate the much-loved…

Squee – It’s Almost Nerdmas

For those thinking I might have forgotten, don’t worry, I didn’t. You might be wondering What exactly could Dan have forgotten? Well, it’s highly unlikely – although I guess within the realm of possibility1 – but I could have forgotten the most sacred and holy of all math days in the entire year. That day of course is…


Today is February 21, 2012. Or in the DD/MM/YYYY format 21/02/2012. If we remove those pesky slashes, what are we left with: 21022012 – a palindrome date! A palindate if you will. Want to know something else crazy cool about today? Of course you do. Today is the 52nd day of the year. That on…

Now Serving 314

This will be a short entry as I’m about to go jump on the treadmill. W00t! Three runs, 5 days, 15.73 kms. Not too shabby. Anyway, before I get off track and rambling about running – something I’ve been known to do – I just would like to point out that this is post number…

Happy Pi-Approximation Day

Being the nerd that I am, I feel compelled to celebrate Pi-Approximation Day. That’s right folks, today, July 22nd is known to some as Pi-Approximation Day. The reason is quite simple: the ratio 22/7 is a pretty good approximation to . So how does one celebrate Pi-Approximation day? Well, by eating pie of course. Granted,…

Double Pi, What Does This Mean?

Happy -day folks. What exactly is ? you ask. Well, is a greek letter. But it also happens to represent the mathematical constant . And why do we care about that? Well it turns out that some math-lovers think that instead of teaching students about , we should focus on the number . You see,…

An Orgy Of Nerdiness

So how did you celebrate the epicness that was yesterday? You know, the combination of all things awesome known as Towel Day, National Plank Day, National Wine Day (which I was only alerted to later in the day – thankfully not so late as to prevent me from partaking in the appropriate celebrations), and last,…

This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Infinity. Any Questions?

Happy Geek/Nerd Pride Day. Happy World Planking Day. Oh ya, and Happy Towel Day. So much to celebrate, so little time. Anyway, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post (here), today is a triple threat of nerdiday goodness. To celebrate, I present to you the following brain-bending, get your nerd on, mathematical thinkable. By this point,…

Faith And Begorrah, They’re After Me Lucky Charms

Happy St. Patrick’s day. So some of you may have noticed that this post went up and there wasn’t much to it.  Ya, that’s because a meeting that was supposed to be 1 hour-long turned into a 2.5 hour marathon.  Seriously, what’s up with that?   Honestly, meetings generally drive me insane1.  They take up…

Why Aren’t Scientists Working On The Pie/Cake Dilemma

So as everyone is probably aware at this point, Monday was Pi-Day.  To celebrate, a subset of the Nerd-Caucus descended on Williams Fresh Cafe to enjoy some tasty pie. I opted again for a delicious slice of bumbleberry pie, heated of course, and paired with a coffee (black, thank you very much).  Lorna went with…