Nerd Wars

Sweet glayven - it's almost Pi-Day.

Some of you might recall that last year a war was brewing. A war of such epic proportions that historians would surely – in years to come – refer to it as one of the greatest battles in the history of ever.

In the history of EVER.

Or, perhaps, it will be known as the date when a bunch of nerds decided to be extra nerdy in their own unique way, so as to celebrate the awesomeness that is Pi-Day. Either way, if it’s recorded anywhere other than this blog, I’ll be amazed and nerds around the world will adjust their pocket calculators and perhaps their glasses in celebration.

Ya, that’s probably more like it.

The war (and I use the term very loosely) was known as the First Ever Interweb Ganster Pi-Off. As I wrote last year, the purpose of the battle was, of course, bragging rights and the title of Nerdiest & Gangsta Pi-iest Coast, because it was a battle between the East and West Coasts of Canada.

On the West Coast, we had the team of Dr. Beth, and Rick. On the East Coast, there was me. Now, you might be thinking Two against one isn’t fair. And you’d be right. I mean, how possibly could the two of them take on me? It just wasn’t fair. Regardless, war isn’t fair and the battle ensued.

The West Coast brought their version of the Gangsta Pi symbol:

The très sexy Dr. Beth, showing off the West Coast Gangsta Pi salute...
...and Rick - trying his best to look sexy while performing the West Coast Gangsta Pi salute.

Amazing, right?

But hold on – the East Coast hadn’t spoken yet. In fact, if you recall the East Coast brought this:

Your's truly, demonstrating the proper Gangsta Pi symbol.

Clearly the superior version of the Gangsta Pi symbol was from the East. And, my dear readers, if you haven’t had a chance to review the most recent version of Canadian History, let me just say that the East Coast kicked ass. We brought it, and we brought it large. The West Coast was forced to admit defeat.

But this post isn’t about rubbing salt into old and clearly still raw wounds1. It’s about simply reminding the West Coast of our dominance when it comes to all things Gangsta-Pi. Sure, they have their mountains, oceans, natural splendor, adventure, sexy doctors named Beth, and that guy I like to go adventuring with named Rick, but – and this is a huge but – we have our Gangsta-Pi pride. And that’s something.

With that in mind, I offer you this photo of my current class of students who jumped at the opportunity2 to show the West Coast how it’s done.

From left to right: Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome.

How does that taste West Coast?

Ha! I kill me.

Anyway, tomorrow is Pi-Day, and I’m about as excited as a Pi loving math nerd can be. I hope your Pi-Day is full of whatever gets your nerd-juices flowing. And of course, since it is Pi-Day, I hope your day is also full of pie.

1 Ha. Ya it is.

2 Even after I told them there were no bonus marks associated with participating in the photo.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Beth says:

    Next year, I’m totally giving my stats students bonus marks if they send in a photo of themselves doing West Coast Gangsta Pi!

  2. Rick says:

    How did I miss this posting!!! And related to Pi of all things. I wasn’t trying to look sexy. I just am. I love the left-to-right caption of your students- hilarious!

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