Mmmmm, Pi

Today is March 14th, the day nerds and pie-lovers around the world celebrate Pi Day. As I am both a nerd and a lover of pie, today represents probably the most significant day of my year. To celebrate, I’ve just whipped up a blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry pie that’s currently baking in the oven. And…

A Pi-Day Weekend

Happy belated Pi-Day all y’all. For those unaware, Pi-Day (March 14th) is the mathiest of math days; unless you also observe Tau-Day (June 28th) – which I do. Since tau is equal to 2 pi, Tau-Day must be equal to 2 Pi-Days, and 2 Pi-Days is better than 1 Pi-Day, so by definition Tau-Day would…

Happy Pi Approximation Day

  In honour of Pi Approximation Day, I thought I’d offer you this most awesomely awesome comic from Dinosaur Comics that approximately honours the approximately awesome awesomeness that is Pi Approximation Day. Of course, I realize that I’ve offered this comic before but I enjoy the last panel far too much not to share it again….

Remember That Time I Did That Thing That I’m Doing Again?

The next two weeks are going to be insane. You see, dear readers, for whatever reason I have an incredible knack when it comes to taking on multiple projects that all seem to have the same deadline1. Because why have one thing due on a day when I can have 20 things due on a…

Dust Off Those Shoes

It was brought to my attention recently that Wednesday June 6, 2012 is National Running Day (NRD). Although similar, NRD should not be confused with World Run Day which occurs November 11, 2012. What is NRD? Well, according to some rather intensive research1, National Running Day, held annually on the first Wednesday in June, is a day when…

The Sound Of Two Hands Clapping

In case you had forgotten or in the event that you were completely unaware, tomorrow is a day that is sure to bring a smile to your face1. For you see, dear readers, tomorrow is High-Five Day – the highest and five-iest of all days2. But tomorrow isn’t just any ordinary High-Five Day. Nope. Tomorrow is…

Fear The Spatial-Temporal Pie-Free Singularities

Yes, yes, we get that yesterday was Pi-Day. When are you going to shut up about it? Great question. Soon, I promise1. Until then, let’s get back to this thing. Specifically, let’s talk about the little Pi-Day adventure that Jasper and I went on yesterday in our never-ending quest to eat pie on Pi-Day. And…

The Mile π Club

As my regular readers are likely already aware1, today – March 14th – is Pi-Day. If you are someone who has never heard of Pi-Day, know that it is only the most mathemagical days of the year. That is, today is the day when nerds and geeks from around the world unite to celebrate the much-loved…

Squee – It’s Almost Nerdmas

For those thinking I might have forgotten, don’t worry, I didn’t. You might be wondering What exactly could Dan have forgotten? Well, it’s highly unlikely – although I guess within the realm of possibility1 – but I could have forgotten the most sacred and holy of all math days in the entire year. That day of course is…

Give Me An E!

It’s -day! So happy -day all y’all. W00t! In case you have forgotten about , let me remind you: , also known as Euler’s number, is as ubiquitous as . Anyway, I’ll direct you to this previous post for more detail about the number itself, because I have some celebrating to do. As for why…

A Not-So-Bucket-List Review

Last night I received the following text (left) from Rick. Clearly my answer was an immediate yes. Well, technically I responded with “I think we both know the answer to that :)” Anyway, after a few texts flew back and forth, we agreed that Winter Ice Climbing was going to happen, and it should be…

Holy Mole-y

Not being strictly a math & stat nerd, I also feel the need to celebrate National Mole Day, which just happens to fall on October 23rd every single year. Why October 23? Well, a mole represents a specific number of atoms or molecules in a set unit of mass; that number is known as Avogadro’s…

It’s All About The Passion

For those not in the know, today is World Teachers’ Day, a day set aside to honour and celebrate teachers. And while I’m not up on all of the official World Teachers’ Day rules (are there rules?), my guess is that a teacher is used to describe not only the profession of the same name, but…

Today’s Lesson: Do It With Chocolate.

Wow – it’s September 4th already. Apparently I’ve been slacking off on my blog-related duties. I’d like to tell you that I’ve been so busy that I just haven’t had a chance to write, but that wouldn’t really be the case. I’ve been far busier in the past than I am right now, and have…