Dear Victoria, The Doctors Are In You

Best de-planing ever!

After sleeping for only 2 hours Wednesday night, and after getting up at 3am on Wednesday morning to head to the airport, and after about 1.5 hours of sitting in said airport before boarding my flight, and finally, after about 5 hours in the air, I landed in Vancouver yesterday to meet up with Dr. Beth. And in true awesome style, Beth was waiting for me at the gate holding a sign that made me giggle out loud the second I saw it. In fact, I laughed so much (note: I may have been slightly sleep deprived) that several of the other de-planing passengers around me stopped to stare.

After hugs and chatting, we then boarded our plane to Victoria, ultimately making our way to the Inn at Laurel Point; my swanky home for the next couple of days and the location of the 7th International GeoMed Conference.

Following a quick shower to remove the smell and feel of stale airplane air off of me, we headed out to explore Victoria. First mission, lunch, or in Beth’s case, breakfast. I had already eaten breakfast about 7 hours prior. Regardless, the re-breakfasting occurred. And thanks to a recommendation from Dr. Julie Gill of The Twitter (and an awesome in-real-life person too), we headed to Lady Marmalade. I ordered the Tofu Scramble, while Beth had some Eggs Benedict with Bacon (everything is better with Bacon). Verdict – delicious. Thanks Dr. Julie for an excellent recommendation.

Tasty beverages at the Scottish Pub.

We spent the rest of the day wandering the city, taking inappropriate and appropriate photos of our wanderings and shenanigans, text messaging Rick so as to make him jealous for not also joining us in Victoria, sampling some beers at the local Irish and Scottish pubs, and pretty much catching up on the comings and goings of each others life that we didn’t know despite emailing and tweeting each other daily.

And just like that, Beth is now on her way back to Vancouver to head to work. Because she’s awesome like that. Thanks Dr. Beth for taking a day off to enjoy Victoria with me. It wouldn’t have been the same without you. And thank you Victoria for putting on a most beautiful day for Dr. Beth and me to enjoy. This city really is beautiful, and I’m looking forward to exploring it more over the next few days.

Anyway, that is all for now as I have a presentation to finalize and conference sessions to attend; the Andrew Lawson is speaking soon, and I always love his talks. W00t!

ZOMG! I almost forgot. Today is the first anniversary of World Statistics Day. The proper protocol, for those who don’t know how to celebrate, is to hug a statistician. And perhaps offer them samplings of dark chocolate, and wine-y, beer-y, or scotch-y goodness. I don’t make the rules folks, I just enforce them.

Okay, I totally made these rules.

Happy World Stats Day all y’all.


5 Comments Add yours

  1. Beth says:

    So many comments, I have to make a bulleted list!

    -I love that you tagged this posting with “bacon”
    -you forgot to mention that because we met up in Vancouver, you get to cross “Visit Beth in Vancouver again” off your Not-So-Bucket List
    -that hotel was super swanky. I wish would could have figured out a way to sneak into the Liquor Distribution’s cocktail party
    -thanks for coming to my province! I had an awesome time visiting!

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